Possible Problem With My Angel?


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there,
I have noticed a couple of things with my Angel fish of late. For the last few weeks it seems to have developed a cloudy eye, it's not all over the eye but it is gradually getting bigger. I'm not sure if this is due to an injury or something else but I have been treating with Melafix for the last few days to see if it minimises.

Secondly, I have noticed the fishes poop is a little bit stringy? There are dark bits, as normal in the poop, but there are spaces of just clear like casing and then a bit more normal poop. I have researched and I'm unsure as to wether this means the fish has internal parasites?

I feed with a variety of things, frozen foods (brine shrimp and mysis of late as I need to stock up) flake, algae wafers, and pellets. The fish is still behaving normally, no other signs of anything, fins all fine, no reddening anywhere. Swimming and eatin normally.

I had introduced 3 Bolivian rams probably a month ago now and they are quite boisterous so I don't know if everything is just due to a little stress?

Any help is appreciated as I want to know if it is something serious or wether I am worrying for nothing
125 litre tank, ammonia 0, nitrate, 5 nitrite 0.
Everything seems normal.
Okay and waterchanges?

Is the pic your tank and angel by the way?
Yeah that's my tank but its an old pic. The Angel is the same size, maybe slightly bigger but there want as many fish in there anymore. Do a water change once a week, on a Monday normally 10-20%
Mmmmm okay. Melafix isn't really med I believe? It's nog available overhere. Think you should do some more / bigger waterchanges for some time an then see what happens. I had this once with my male Pearl. Though waterreadings seem good, bacteria can cause this problem to my believe.
See you having Pearls as well. Gouramis love to have some floating plants !!! Just an idea and nothing to do with your angel (though all fish like floating plants hahahaha).
About the poop : That also could mean worms / flagellates. But cause together with eyeproblems Í more tend to water/bacterial problems. Some waterchanges can proof me being right or not I think.
Don't have the pearls anymore, they were too aggressive towards each other and my Angel so I had to take them out of the tank =[
I'm using the Melafix as it was advised to me by someone on here for a similar problem and the bottle does say it is to treat pop eye and eye cloud so I thought I'd give it a go. Ill do another water change in the week, and do 2 a week for a while and see if that improves things.
Maybe I chose the wrong words : To my knowlegdge it's based on teatree-oil and can heal this kind of problems.

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