Possible Neon Tetra Disease - Need Input (Pics Enclosed)


Apr 1, 2013
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Hey folks,
I've got two neons that have faded/fading red color.  Thing are schooling, eating, normally, and their swimming is fine.  I think I may have the beginnings of NTD but I really hope I don't.  Can anyone confirm or bust my suspicion?


Sorry for the grainy images.  Shot from my iPhone

Thanks for any input.  Really hope it isn't NTD.  Also my QT is being used for Ich right now.
It is incredibly hard to tell from the pics but it seems that yes, they will die from NTD. :(
I'll say this in advance:

P.S: more clear pics would help. Are all fish looking that way? If not then I would euthanize the affected ones.
TallTree01 said:
P.S: more clear pics would help. Are all fish looking that way? If not then I would euthanize the affected ones.
Thanks for the response.
Only two of seven of my neons are showing fading.  Argh I've read about NTD and I'd been dreading it the day I'd encounter it.  What a shame.
I'll try to snap more pics tomorrow.  It's lights out right now for the fishies.
Yes, a better picture would help.
My advice is, if you figure out that this is NTD, euthanizing your fish sooner than later is the best option as it reduces the chances that it spreads.
Here is an online picture that I think is really clear as to how the fading looks for NTD.  When mine have had it they looked very much like this.  http://bettacare101.com/protozoandisease2/neontetradiseasethumb.jpg
NTD is parasitic in nature and almost never curable. However, columnaris is sometimes referred to as False Neon Tetra disease because of the similarity in symptoms. However, Columnaris is curable when treated in time. You can read here-
Since you have then isolated you could treat for columnaris. If this is what they have they should recover, if what they have is NTD, then it wont matter and you will only waste the cost of the meds.
Its like when somethings for free, its too good to be true. Neons are beautiful yet they get sick very easily. Kinda sucks, ive lost quite a bit of money from the infamous NTD.
PrairieSunflower said:
Here is an online picture that I think is really clear as to how the fading looks for NTD.  When mine have had it they looked very much like this.  http://bettacare101.com/protozoandisease2/neontetradiseasethumb.jpg
Thanks for this.  This is pretty much exactly how they look.  Blotches of fading to white at the tails.  A third neon showed fading today, near the mid section.  I've put all the neons into a separate tank. 
My rummy noses look perfectly fine right now, and my swordtail is sassy as ever.  I'm worried about the fry that I had in the same tank though.

NorthEastFisherman said:
Its like when somethings for free, its too good to be true. Neons are beautiful yet they get sick very easily. Kinda sucks, ive lost quite a bit of money from the infamous NTD.
After I return from a long vacation (don't worry my fish will be looked after), I'll try neons again with a dedicatedone-month quarantine!  Grr.. I've always wanted neons since I was a kid, and now that I'm getting into them, they're more of hassle than I've ever imagined.
Thanks everyone for the help.  Freakin' NTD...

EDIT: Forgot to ask something.
Does NTD exist in tank besides within the host?  I was originally planning some shifting between tanks so my fry could have a tank to themselves.  They've gotten big and can't live in a breeder net any longer. 
Do I need to worry about parasites present in the tank that could seed to newly introduced fish?  Again, the rummy noses and swordtail previously sharing the tank with the neons look healthy thus far.
Do at least a month of quarantine then.  When I got neons the NTD started at about 1 month... with my first few I was so leary to just euthanize them... but after losing one every month I euthanized at the first sign of a fade and the problem stopped. It is a matter of doing all you can to not spread the parasites and from what I understand they don't just transmit to the water/other fish immediately so it seems you have a small window.
I still have 12 of my original 18 neons.
Also, not all fish are at risk for NTD.  I've had guppies and platies with mine and it doesn't spread to either one of them.
PrairieSunflower said:
Do at least a month of quarantine then.  When I got neons the NTD started at about 1 month... with my first few I was so leary to just euthanize them... but after losing one every month I euthanized at the first sign of a fade and the problem stopped. It is a matter of doing all you can to not spread the parasites and from what I understand they don't just transmit to the water/other fish immediately so it seems you have a small window.
I still have 12 of my original 18 neons.
Also, not all fish are at risk for NTD.  I've had guppies and platies with mine and it doesn't spread to either one of them.
That's good to know.  I was planning on moving guppies up to the tank with the neons (before I took them out).  I'll probably do a really big water change and move them up.
The neons were in quarantine for about a week and a half.  Now I've learned that's hardly enough.  Three out of the seven I bought look like they are infected.
Try buying them somewhere else the next time.  Not to say your LFS is bad or anything... but maybe their supplier isn't as diligent in ensuring the disease isn't spreading or maybe they are very interbreed and more susceptible to illness (common problem with neons though).
PrairieSunflower said:
Try buying them somewhere else the next time.  Not to say your LFS is bad or anything... but maybe their supplier isn't as diligent in ensuring the disease isn't spreading or maybe they are very interbreed and more susceptible to illness (common problem with neons though).
Yea for sure I will.  Problem is I live on a relatively small island, so there's reason to suspect that the neons may be coming from a single supplier.  LOL yay island life!
If your neons pass on and you want to get more I hear that cardinals are much more hardy and are immune to NTD parasites. Many say they're more colorful as well. Only real difference is red stripe which is bigger than a neons. :/
TallTree01 said:
If your neons pass on and you want to get more I hear that cardinals are much more hardy and are immune to NTD parasites. Many say they're more colorful as well. Only real difference is red stripe which is bigger than a neons.
I have heard that cardinals are more hardy once adjusted.  I've also heard they can't handle travelling as well as neons, and that some die from the stress of moving.
That's only what I've heard though, so I may give them a try some time later.  I've yet to see my LFS selling them, however.
I dunno if anyone is still following this topic, but I thought I'd give an update.
I had all seven neons in a plastic bucket for a few days since there was, in essence, a waiting list for my QT.  No fatalities yet! I finally got them in, and dosed with salt, which is supposed to take care of columnaris.  Thus far, I've seen improvement.  Solid color bands are returning.

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