I hate posting up stuff like this because I can usually find what information I need by searching or google. However, my search has turned up somewhat sparse. Here's the situation. I had bought some new c. habrosus last week, and had proceeded to acclimate them in a quarantine tank for two days, always checking to see if there were any signs of illness or odd behavior. Everything was looking great, good appetite, none were hiding in the back, so I decided to move them into the main tank. A day later, they started showing signs of ick by "flashing" against objects in the tank. I removed the affected fishes from the tank in the hopes that it may save the main tank from getting infected, but one of my peppered cories started doing it as well. I have treated both tanks with quick cure (at 1/2 dosages) over the weekend and there have been no visible white dots on the fish, but they continue to scratch. Are there any ideas of what it could be? I live in hawaii where the relative humidity is high and the temperature touches on low 90's daily, my tank is regularly at about 82-84F only dropping to about 80F at night, so I would think the ick lifecycle would be accellerated and I would've seen the telltale white dots. I also do regular 25% water changes every 3 days, my pH is about 7.2 and I have yet to be able to find a nitrate or ammonia test kit that hasn't been sitting on the shelf collecting dust (literally!). What could be bothering them?