Possible ich?


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
Like most fishkeepers I'm having an Ich panic. I'm not sure if it's there but I'm quite sure of it.

Water Parameters -
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Don't have a Nitrate kit at the moment, never seem to be any in stock.

Latest fish added -
1 spiny eel (2nd May)

Tank currently being treated with -
Diluted Melafix (healing a fin tear)
Liquisil General Tonic (monthly treatment, added this morning)

Current temp -

pH -

I was watching my fish just now as they were eating and one of my Black Phantom tetras kept flicking himself against one of my ornaments. My Betta was also acting strangely, going along the bottom of the tank and swimming slightly sideways (but this may be because he was scavanging for bloodworm since they got fed frozen bloodworm for the first time today.. and he was eating anything he could see - dropped flake food, algae tablets, bloodworm etc. The swimming sideways may be because I cleaned half my filter today and so the current is slightly stronger than he's adjusted to - he tends to swim starngely when I do this anyway). The tetras flicking is my main concern though.

It's only the one tetra that's flicking himself and I can't see any white spots on any of the fish.

Could it be ich developing?
Hi.I had the same with a couple of my fish too.
They seem to go up to an object and "flick against" it as they swim away.
I posted this problem on here,and was given the advice that it may be something called "velvet".
I bought a remedy by a company called "interpet" and the remedy was number 7.
Im certainly no expert on fish diseases (and if im wrong,i hope i will be corrected by the experts) but i hope this helps.......and good luck :nod:
thanks :)

the check guide I have says similar symptoms for ich and velvet... only it mentions the white spots for ich as well.

I'll pick up some velvet stuff tomorrow :D

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