Possible Hybrid?


Fish Crazy
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
New York
i wuz wondering if this wuz possible. ppl hav said it wuz, and i wana cross breed badly, i hav some mosquito fish fry that r about a week old, or 9 days or somethin like that, and i hav 2 male guppies in a seperate 5gal. would this hybrid work?
Well there's no real proof that there's hybrid of mosquitofish/guppy but other species of gambusia can hybridizing with mollies. Just not western mosquitofish x guppy hybrids. And it is very diffcult to do it as the mosquitofish fry can become sexually mature when they are a month old and make sure they are not pregnant for 6 months by their brothers then make sure the females don't kill the male guppies. I gave up with this project because I don't get any fry from my own female gambusia with too many male endlers.
Well there's no real proof that there's hybrid of mosquitofish/guppy but other species of gambusia can hybridizing with mollies. Just not western mosquitofish x guppy hybrids. And it is very diffcult to do it as the mosquitofish fry can become sexually mature when they are a month old and make sure they are not pregnant for 6 months by their brothers then make sure the females don't kill the male guppies. I gave up with this project because I don't get any fry from my own female gambusia with too many male endlers.

so it only takes a month minimum for mosquito fish fry to become sexually mature? quick little boogers..... mosquito fish can hybridize w/ mollies?? i didnt kno that.

I gave up with this project because I don't get any fry from my own female gambusia with too many male endlers.

mosquito fish can hybridize w/ endlers?? omg i didnt kno that either. i think i hav a lot 2 learn, lol. -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
No its not possible for a gambusia hybridizing with endlers because I never see any FRY from my female mosquitofish.

For molly/gambusia hybrid, they don't use western mosquitofish but a different species of gambusia to cross with the mollies since other species of mosquitofish are rare in aquarium hobby anyways.

Depends on good conditions, the mosquitofish fry will become sexually when they are more than 1 inch but most average sexually age is 3 months old.

Its long project and you need lots of spare tanks for hybridization.
m'kay then. Note to self: mosquito fish X endlers= no good. i got a lot of info 2day lol. Note to self: mosquito fish fry, sexually mature, 3 months. -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy

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