Possible For 2 Types Of Cichlids In A Community?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, United States
Hi Everyone,

I have a 55 gallon tank set up, heavily planted with swords. Inhabitants are in my signature. I was looking at getting a pair of Kribs to put in the tank, being that they are a hardier fish and aren't real high up-keep. I was wondering if there is any possibility that I could add a second type of cichlid to the tank as well? Thanks in advance!
It depends on what other cichlid you wanted to keep. A pr of Kribensis and a pr os Cichlasoma spilurum might be ok. But if you want a pr of rams they might get hassled by the kribs. You can also get different types of Kribensis and many are much nicer than the normal type. Look for Pelvicachromis subocellatus from Moanda. They are really nice fish and much more peaceful than the normal krib. You could keep subocellatus with Bolivian rams or something like Nannacara nudiceps or N. transvestitus, or even Crenicara filamentosa (not sure if they are still in the Crenicara genus).
i currently have a pair of kribs in with a Bolivian ram and a firemouth ram, have no probs at all apart from the little Bolivian likes to pester the firemouth but the firemouth will just turn around flare his gills at the Bolivian then carry on his normal daily routine.
also a pair of Keyholes or Angels, or a single Firemouth or Sajica
I have a pair of German Blue Rmas with a pair of Cockatoo Cichlids with no problems.
Thanks for the other suggestions. I think I am going to stay away from Rams right now, being that I don't think I am experienced enough to have them yet. I did have some in my tank prior to this, but I returned them as I worried that I wouldn't be experienced enough. So, right now I'm looking at gaining some experience and confidence, which is why I was thinking about going with Kribs. They Keyholes interest me, as well as the angels. Is either one easier to keep than the other? What about the neons in the tank; aren't angels known to eat neons?!
Some people have successfully kept Neons with Angels when introducing them all as juvenilles at the same time. Others have found that the Neons get eaten when the Angels reach a good size.
Keyholes are very peaceful and very easy to look after. They prefer a temperature of about 24C, a filter flow that's not too rapid and plenty of plants. They are fine with small fish such as Neons and seem a bit braver when kept with a bigger shoal of fish.
As with all Cichlids, they may become aggressive and territorial when breeding but providing they have plenty of room, this should not be too much of a problem with smaller varieties of Cichlid.
Apistogrammas are good community fish but some like to be kept in a trio rather than a pair.
:blush: sorry for the off topic but how are you Stang1 (she with the sexiest sig & avitar)
:blush: sorry for the off topic but how are you Stang1 (she with the sexiest sig & avitar)
I see you haven't lost that silver tongue? :hey:
I'm great Doresy and all the better for seeing you on here.... :*

Codeajohnson - Let us know what you decide on. :good:

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