I'm setting up a 10 gallon nano, and I have a few ideas about fish. This is just a possibility list, not a stocking list, and will be probably be shortened by my LFS lack of variety (actually, only about half will probably not be possible....)
Pyjama Cardinals, Percula Clown, Ocellaris Clown, Maroon/Black Clown, Six-line Wrasse, Goby of some sort, Mandarinfish (I know normally they aren't sustainable in a 10 gallon, but the only ones my LFS ever has in eat flake and frozen, I haven't seen them eat flake, but I have seen them eating frozen), Court Jester Goby, Reef Basslet, Clown Goby and Firefish. The ones that my LFS usually has in stock are the Cardinals, the Clowns, Mandarinfish and usually some sort of goby and Firefish. I would really like to get a Mandarinfish, a Black/Maroon Clownfish, and leave the rest open to what my LFS has in stock. Can I get some more suggestions? And maybe some suggested stocking lists? Thanks!
As for the corals...well...there's so many of them I can't decide. I will have a 110W PC light, and use R/O D/I water. Can I get some suggestions? Also, if I have cleaner shrimp, and hermit crabs, and maybe a porcelain crab, will I have to dose with iodine? Thanks!
EDIT: I put this here because it includes both fish and inverts, so I didn't know which section to put it in. If a mod has an idea, could someone move it to the correct forum?
Pyjama Cardinals, Percula Clown, Ocellaris Clown, Maroon/Black Clown, Six-line Wrasse, Goby of some sort, Mandarinfish (I know normally they aren't sustainable in a 10 gallon, but the only ones my LFS ever has in eat flake and frozen, I haven't seen them eat flake, but I have seen them eating frozen), Court Jester Goby, Reef Basslet, Clown Goby and Firefish. The ones that my LFS usually has in stock are the Cardinals, the Clowns, Mandarinfish and usually some sort of goby and Firefish. I would really like to get a Mandarinfish, a Black/Maroon Clownfish, and leave the rest open to what my LFS has in stock. Can I get some more suggestions? And maybe some suggested stocking lists? Thanks!
As for the corals...well...there's so many of them I can't decide. I will have a 110W PC light, and use R/O D/I water. Can I get some suggestions? Also, if I have cleaner shrimp, and hermit crabs, and maybe a porcelain crab, will I have to dose with iodine? Thanks!
EDIT: I put this here because it includes both fish and inverts, so I didn't know which section to put it in. If a mod has an idea, could someone move it to the correct forum?