Possible Bacterial Problem?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
Wolverine, one of my Synirr boys has had pale white discoloration in a few spots on his fins for the last few days. I've been using salt, melafix, and pimafix but the spots are getting larger and whiter. All color in these spots are gone. It started right at the base of the anal fin in just a little area, now it's on his caudal and a few more spots on his anal. He's still flaring like mad and eating well.

Any idea of what this is and what I should do? It doesn't show up in pictures, I already tried.
Wolverine, one of my Synirr boys has had pale white discoloration in a few spots on his fins for the last few days. I've been using salt, melafix, and pimafix but the spots are getting larger and whiter. All color in these spots are gone. It started right at the base of the anal fin in just a little area, now it's on his caudal and a few more spots on his anal. He's still flaring like mad and eating well.

Any idea of what this is and what I should do? It doesn't show up in pictures, I already tried.

Well it doesn't sound like he's acting abnormal - or is he?? Since he's still a baby, he might be changing colors. But are there any other signs/symptoms?
Sounds like he might be turning marble... what a late bloomer, if so! The "marbles" are all redloss, so they all started out as red multis then lost the red gradually. I have one right now that just finished turning last week, and he's actually kinda like a really dark mustard gas now, so there's no telling :huh:
Hmmmm, I dunno. It really doesn't look like any color change I've ever seen. I've seen these symptoms before and the fish didn't end up making it. His color seems to be fully developed. I'll try to get pics without flash and see if it shows up tonight.

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