Possible Asia tank


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
Hi again, it is a bit preemptive, because I am having trouble getting the stand built, so I dont even have that larger fishtank yet, but doesnt mean I cant think about the stocking right

I want a 75x45x40cm tank which will be a rough 130 liters and I really want white cloud minnows cause a), I dont want to have a heater in the tank, and b) they look really interesting and I have never had them, which is a big selling point for me. I would like for them to breed and thus would like some tankmates that wont make this impossible. I have a medium soft water with slightly higher pH, but minnows wont be a problem.
I want a rocky setup, large rocks, smaller rocks, sand, some echinodorus to hide the filter, maybe some cryptocoryne plant to add a grass feel, some java moss.

Regarding the fish, obviously a bottom dwelling one only. I have never had any sort of loaches, but I plan to leave the filter on high flow, as I read the minnows like a flow, and I understand loaches do not. So I was thinking, maybe sewellia lineolata might work, but then they are shy and require "oxygenated" water, so not sure what does that mean, do I need to add a hose to my filter to produce bubbles, will that be enough, and why is just fast moving water not oxygenated enough, if there are plants.
Or alternative, or maybe a companion, a Garra flavatra, but information regarding them say they like slow moving water, but some other info says they like fast moving water and again, require oxygenated water. I may be on the lower end of the dimension for this fish, I mean I plan on wider, but less long ,so maybe if someone has an experience you can advice.

I would obviously get the minnows first and wait few months for biofilm to develop on new rocks, though I also have old rocks and the filter and sand will be old, the glass will be new. I also already have some green hair algae and some other on some anubias plant, those could be a snack. I again failed to grow algae on the rocks on my windowsill, but hey, anubias maybe will do :) also I have a lot of leaves already for other inhabitants that I can feed with, so in that aspect I think I am covered.

What should I chose ?
Looked into the Hillstream Loach? They are small, and like the temperate waters and fast flow.

As for the oxygen, just angle the filter outlet so you get some nice rippling on the surface of the water, this will allow for the gas exchange between water and air.
For the minnows have Cabomba or Ambulia as plants. My minnow tank I didn't bother about anything else. What is cool about minnows is when they spawn the babies stay on the surface with the adults underneath them, as the fry grow, they merge down with the adult fish. Really neat fish behavior
Looked into the Hillstream Loach? They are small, and like the temperate waters and fast flow.

As for the oxygen, just angle the filter outlet so you get some nice rippling on the surface of the water, this will allow for the gas exchange between water and air.
Sewellia lineolata is the hillstream loach :) am also afraid the panda garras might be too large in comparison with the minnows.
Wouldnt the angle of the filter cause surface turbulence, which could be very bad for the newborn minnows?

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