Positioning Tank In Front Of Radiator


New Member
Aug 25, 2006
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Hi folks,

I currently have a Juwel Rio 180 set up - tank and stand. I'll be moving house in the summer and the only place I'll be able to put the tank is in the kitchen/dining area. It would mean the tank and cabinet sits right in front of a radiator. There will be a small gap between them, but can someone let me know if this will cause any significant problems other than perhaps ensuring the tank heater is set to minimum so no overheating occurs? I fear that I may have to consider selling my set up should there be a danger of heat warping the cabinet.

Many thanks - regards,
i have my 4ft tank in front of a radiator but we have radiators that have thermostats on them so we turned it off. we tried leaving it on at first but the water was getting too warm.

Emma :)
i believe you can just turn them off or get it taken out just have a straight piece of pipe instead of a radiator
Thanks for the reply folks - don't want to get rid of the tank, so come the time of the move I reckon I'll try it in front of the radiator and see how it goes.


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