Positioning Of Powerheads


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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evening all, I have what is effectively a cube 62 gallon that is currently at the beggining of a cycle. All I have in it is some live rock, heater and powerheads. My live sand is coming the weekend, then hopefully more live rock. Anyway, for water movement in this I have a HOB aquaclear 70, a fluval 4 emptied out (gonna put some rubble in this), and an aqua clear 30.

I am just after opinions for the positioning of these. In the tank is going to be, Seahorses and Mandarins, possibly 1 more species. At the moment I have put the aquaclear 30 right at the bottom left hand corner behind the LR. My thinking is this will keep movement in the rock mound I am going to be making from the left back corner out into the middle. The aquaclear 70 is just sitting on the back wall roughly in the middle firing out to the front and the Fluval 4 is at the back again hidden by the rock firing out into the front right corner. Does this sound ok to people>? Does it even make sense actually? Haha

Thanks, Vinny
Hi Vinny,

You want about 10 times the tank volume, so in your case, approximately 600GPH. The positioning needs to be directed towards the live rock. This will ensure good circulation around them. Unless your live sand is coming from somewhere local and is taken from an aquarium, then its most likely dead sand. Live sand is probably one of the biggest cons going in marine fish keeping. If its coming from a LFS or online store, its going to be bags of sand that have been out of water for a long time. A chicken burger from Your local KFC probably has more bacteria in it lol :p
Haha thanks AK. The sand is ordered from my LFS so will be dead then. Never mind its ordered now an am in no real rush to get this cycled anyway. I actually have one of the powerheads effectively in the LR at the back blowing directly into it. The other 2 bigger ones are aiming away but as its only 2ft should still actually get the rock I imagine.

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