porthole catfish


Mar 23, 2004
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anchorage, alaska
does anyone have any experience with these? i saw some in the lfs and figured they were another kind that ends up getting huge, but i did a little research and from what i've found, they stay pretty small (4-5"). i was thinking about getting 4 of them for my next tank (which should be good to go in a couple weeks :D ). does anyone have portholes and what's your experience with them? thanks
I have 2 flagtailed "Porthole" catfish. A male and a female, They do instead stay under 4" in nearly all cases I have seen. The females get much fatter than the males if you want to know how to tell them apart.

Obviously as with pretty much any catfish you want 30Gallons or bigger for them, So when you are shopping around for tanks, the bigger the better!

But anyway they are great fish, very peacful and they are a middleswimmer aswell as a bottom feeder so they wont just sit on the bottom of your tank all day, particularly if you have a small group of them :)

Ben :)
i was going to put them with a couple of flag cichlids probably. i wanted to hopefully understock so you would have to actually look a little to find the fish
I have Flagtail Portholes as well. These are such an interesting catfish. They're very active all day long and it's great to see their little flag striped tails waving as they work the substrate. My two oldest (3 yrs) are 4 and 3.5 inches but I have seen regular Portholes that were larger.

If I could go back and understock my tank, I'd do it in a heart beat. I've found new homes for 3 Red Hooks and 3 Discus but can't part with any others. My next tank will be understocked, and planted, with a sand substrate.

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