Port Jackson Shark


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2007
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Anyways, its not a usualy OMG MY EXPENSIVE FISH IS DYING!
I set up a cold SW tank for him, he is only 6" What i am wondering is if i can slowly raise the temp, and will he get used to higher temps?
I would try to duplicate the natural environment as that's what they've evolved in over 100's of years. If it's cold water shark, then there's probably a reason for it and I wouldn't mess w/trying to change it if it was me. :)

Any pics of it???
now dont take my word for it but i think if you do it gradually u may have success although their may be changes in his activeness, most probably slowing him down. i only say this because PJ's are found all over the east coast of australia but also the south coast. i live on the east coast and ive seen them from far north queensland right down to south australia, which as i believe has one of the largest spawning congregational communities around. they are though different species of PJ and possibly these different species can withstand different temps. find a specific PJ or reef website or forum and do some research or u could ask your LFS if they are reliable enough.

im guessing you want to raise the temp so you can keep other fish in there? if so im curious as to what? ive seen spotted leapord grouper and lionfish go well with them. some reason the lionfish's spines didnt even seem to phase him as it swayed over him, hmmmm
I keep one of these in a 5,000 gallon aquarium. Going anywhere above 75 degrees will cause the shark to have a high respiration rate. I would personally not go above 76 for the care of the shark. Will it live above 76 degrees... yes, but will not live as long. I hope you have a large tank for this guy, he will completelly wreck a tank smaller than a couple thousand gallons quite easilly once he reaches over a foot long.

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