Porcupine Snail


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2007
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Bought a couple porcupine snail today and have just done a quick google search but cant find any real info about them. Anyone got any info about them or a link to a site with them on?

Any pics??

Sounds like a horned Nerite species. Possibly one of the following:

Clithon Corona

Thiara cancellata
Horned nerites are a variety of different species all given similar names, but all different colours and shapes.

If you dont have a picture, then a description of size, colour and horn size and number of horns would help.

Just as a basic guide with nerites, they feed on algae EXCLUSIVALLY and will not eat any other foods. They need a tank with algae growth and need to be in small densities in a tank. An average tank of about 25galls cannot support more than 3 nerites. Usually, norned nerites are smaller than thoes without horns, so you could get a maximum of 4 nerites in the 25gal tank.
EDIT: they also need hard water with a pH of above 7 otherwise their shells corrode. Also have a look in the species index of the forum to find a guide to keeping them.

Hope this helps.
Sounds like they are horned nerties, as they are having a really good go at the algae in my tank. Cant believe how much algae these guys eat! Doing wonders for the algae problem i was beginning to have! :hyper: Do they eat algae discs that catfish eat? I live in a hard water area so they should be ok, the other apple snails in the tank are ok.

As for what they look like, they look they much like the ones in the link below:


Possible one or two more horns........will try and get a pic of the ones i have, but get the feeling the camera on my phone isnt going to take a good pic!

EDIT : If i do get a good pic how do i post it?

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