population explosion - help


New Member
Nov 4, 2004
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Lancashire, England
Well I thought everything was going too smoothly. I set up my first tank (with all your help) about 3 months ago. Not had any major probs and all is well with water quality etc. Did fishless cycling and added 3 x wagtail platies as first fish just to be sure that the cycling procedure was done properly. I waited until I was sure there were no problems before adding a shoal of 10 x harlequins (+ 1 extra stowaway which is currently unknown but schools with the rasboras). At the beginning of December I noticed a lone platy fry which has survived in the tank and is now about half the size of the adults. Anyhow to cut a long story short, over xmas there has been a mass explosion of babies, at the last count I picked out about 30 all swimming freely and mixing with the adults so I don't think they're about to be eaten. Obviously I can't keep them all in my tank as I don't want to upset anything. What should I do - please help.

btw - tank size is 22gals (uk)
Are they being eaten? If so, leave them where they are.

If not, you might have to kill them yourself :)() or you could get a small tank for them. Perhaps you could try to give them away to an lfs or a friend?

Of course, you did know this was going to happen when you bought the livebearers, right?
They are not being eaten. The tank is quite heavily planted and also has a large patch of java moss which seems to be where the fry are being born. I knew that I would have fry eventually, just not quite so many all at once. I thought the parents would eat most of them and only a few would survive. The tank is big enough for the moment but I would like to add some different fish - especially a cory shoal for the sand. I will try the local lfs but its quite a distance (so if anyone in the manchester area of uk want any please let me know)

Thanks for your quick response
I take it you have phone books over there, so you won't have to go searching for an lfs in a car. ;)

Good luck with the search.

How big is the tank?

Seen people with Manchester in their location blank, so I wish you luck. :D

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