

Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
My new betta-pals fish (the male) has popeye. :( His eye looked funny when he first arrived, and now it's definately protruding.

Will BettaMax help? It's the only thing I have on hand right at the moment.

Also, I mixed the BettaMax up according to the directions -- 1 capsule to 1 quart of water, and I was just wondering, is the water supposed to be THAT green?! Probably a dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure so I don't "overdose" him.
GuppyDude said:
id use melafix instead but if u alredy used bettamix i guess that will work too :thumbs:
I haven't already used it ... I just mixed it up in a quart-jug so I'd have it on hand (was waiting for responses here in case it was a BAD idea). Right now BettaMax is the only thing I have on hand.

I'll try to get to Petsmart or somewhere later in the week when I get paid and pick up some Melafix -- do you think they'd have it there?
Be careful when using Melafix on bettas... it's pretty strong for such a small fish. They do make something called Bettafix which is the same thing, just diluted.

Edit: Oh, and yeah, Bettamax stains the water pretty bad. I haven't had much success with it in the past :dunno:
if its the only thing u have on hand then go head and use it, u dont wan the fish going any longer without treatment than he really has to -_-
Thanks guys -- I'll make a run to Petsmart and Petco as soon as possible and see if I can find either BettaFix or Melafix. They're bound to at least have one or the other. In the meantime, hopefully the BettaMax will help.

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