

Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
Hi everyone,

I've been having a lot of problems with my fish! I am still treating for ich and noticed my marble platty has large protruding cloudy stuff on both of his eyes.

I think this may be popeye. I've read his eyes can burst and he can go blind. Is Maracyn the correct treatment for this? Does anyone know if Maracyn can be combined with Quick Cure?

Also, my 2 orange sword-tails have grey/white patches on their backs. One of them is just kind of hanging out on the bottom of the tank, not eating her breakfast. Will Maracyn work for both popeye and the fungus patches?

The black skirt tetras are perfect. They don't seem to affected by the ich or the fungus.

It seems like I am having all the problems you can have in the same month. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Ammonia = 0ppm
Nitrite = 0ppm
pH = 7.8

Sorry for posting this message so many times. I was getting an error message everytime I clicked post.
This sounds more like fungus attack than popeye, though they could be simultaneous. If Ich has been present, it is possible that the fish damaged the delicate eye tissue by scratching, or 'flashing' off solid objects. This allows bacteria and fungus to take hold. Treat ment for both is lots of clean water, 10-15% daily if possible of good aerated and aged water. As you are treating for Ich, it would be very unwise to add any other medications. If you are using Malachite green, I have found painting on dilute M.G. onto the fungus helps.
The water changes should have a positive effect for all ailments.

My swordtail is about to leave me. He's been floating on the bottom of the tank all day and is breathing hard. He has white stringy poo.

Ken, I am so confused. I just got rid of the ich and now they have fungus. My swordtail may have an internal parasite and my platty is going blind. I don't know what to do! This is very frustrating.

I've heard salt helps with a lot of stuff. Can you recommend a salt for me?

We started with 15 and I'm down to 6 in 3 weeks.

Thanks for your efforts.
Hi rykitten.
Dont panic, get the most from this expieirience that you can, it will make you much more confident in the future.
Firstly, you can use a new model paint brush to paint on the M.G. or just the edge of a tissue if you are careful. Is it growing out of the eye or just a film covering the eye? This could be just cloudy eye, its caused by physical damage and/or unclean water. Lots of water changes will help clear it up. I would recommend 10 -15% daily.
You may just get away with salt with the tetras, if you add very small amounts.

Aquarium salt is about the cheapest thing you can purchase for your fish by weight so theres no need to use household salts that may contain de-caking agents. Buy a box and use a quater of what they are recommending on the pack.

Dont fret too much, Im sure the worst is over. The fish lying on the bottom may be a lost cause tho, Ive rarely seen one make a recovery from this stage. The priority now is to keep the water clean and resist the temptation to overdo the meds. In time you will find that panic is the number one enemy of effective treatment but patience and gentleness are more likely to give results. Every person on this forum has been through this at one time or another and if you stick it out you will be very glad you did!

For the M.G. I would fill a glass with aquarium water, add two or three drops of quick cure, enough to colour the water dark. Take the fish out very gently with a soft net and hold it in wet tissue. Quickly apply the med and give it two to three seconds before returning the fish to the tank.
If it is fungus, it will lose its shape and become almost invisible out of water, so check this first, before applying the med.

Snails can tolerate very low concentrations of salt, but will have to be acclimatized over some days. I wouldnt risk it,
If possible remove them as Malachite Green is suposed to be toxic to them in disease doses.

Oops! I did not know that Ken . . . thanks for telling me!

Do you happen to know if snails are sensitive? We have another tank I could put them in, but it's unfiltered and unheated. There's only an air diffuser.

Both of his eyes are entirely covered, you can barely see the actual eye. It's a grey/cloudly thick bubble. The bubble protrudes about 1/8" from his eye. It's pretty strange. That's why I thought it was popeye. But I don't think it's his actual eye. Just the cloudy stuff.

Ken, you are the man! Thank you so much for your patience. I really do appreciate it. I don't know where else I would be getting help right now . . .

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