

Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
Hi everyone,

I've been having a lot of problems with my fish! I am still treating for ich and noticed my marble platty has large protruding cloudy stuff on both of his eyes.

I think this may be popeye. I've read his eyes can burst and he can go blind. Is Maracyn the correct treatment for this? Does anyone know if Maracyn can be combined with Quick Cure?

Also, my 2 orange sword-tails have grey/white patches on their backs. One of them is just kind of hanging out on the bottom of the tank, not eating her breakfast. Will Maracyn work for both popeye and the fungus patches?

The black skirt tetras are perfect. They don't seem to affected by the ich or the fungus.

It seems like I am having all the problems you can have in the same month. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Ammonia = 0ppm
Nitrite = 0ppm
pH = 7.8

Popeye in my experience is normally due to stress or bad water conditions, what are your nitrAte levels at, its probably worth doing 10% water changes for a few days to try and improve this.

I have no idea what the NitrAte level is. I will pick up yet another test kit today when I buy the fungus med.
Have any suggestion on which to buy?

My swordtail didn't make it . . . :crazy:
Not sure on make of testkits, I think they're all pretty similar although I use the liquid ones cos their easier. The only other difference I know of is that some of them give false readings to amquel.

The grey white patches, are they solid blocks of grey/white. Personally I'd do a 30-40% water change and then maybe 10% daily ones for a few days till you get to the root of the problem.

They're not heater burns are they? Have any of the fish been fighting that you know of?
No, the patches aren't solid. I would describe them as gauzy, sort of fuzzy looking. Ken advised that I take them out of the water and if the patches disappear it's probably a fungus. I took out the swordtail yesterday and I couldn't see anything unusual.

The bigger of the tetras sometimes chases the smaller tetra and that's about it. Other than that, they seem to get along pretty well.

I don't think it's a heater burn, but what do I know? That's why I'm asking you for help! :p
Please look at the picture I have up. Can you see the discoloration around the gills and belly area? There is also a small patch on his back near his fin that is sort of cottony looking.
Also, his tail is funky.
Pic you have up where? :huh:

I posted the same time as you above in my last post and never saw the preceeding reply, and indeed it does sound like fungus. Do you have any anti-fungal meds to treat hem with?
The pic (avatar) I have under my name is my remaining sick swordtail.

It's not a good picture, but I thought it may help the diagnosis.

I am planning on getting some meds this evening, after work. I just noticed something else about my swordtail . . .
he's been hanging out in the same corner all day. He has red/brown poo (a really long, thick string) There is a pile of poo beneath him.

Could this be an indication of something internal???

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