Popeye problem getting worse!


Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
West Virginia
I come home from school today to find that my dalmatian molly's popeye has become even larger. On top of this, my black molly looks like hes getting a fungal infection. He gets a few white spots from time to time, but never cottony (They don't really look like ick, either?) And never coming from his mouth. And never this bad. I've been treating with MelaFix, since Sunday evening. Anyone have a better solution? Nothing else in the tank seems affected, yet...
Pop eye - I understand is most likely to be coursed by poor water conditions, the fact that no other fish is showing signs might rule out parasites!!

I lost a fish to fungal and a lot of people asked about my temp because a drop in temp will not help.

So I check water conditions and temp. Post your results..
Water conditions.. I only test ammonia, its zero. Tank has been running for over a year, water is clean and temperature is about 82 deg. F ...... trying to get rid of whatever is on the black molly. I also lost a fish to a fungal infection. I think eye trauma or stress was the cause of the popeye.
How frequently do you do water changes, filter changes?
I am sorry to hear your fish isnt feeling any better :( I separated mine out into a large bag and am treating it with myaxin (?spelling) and actually he seems to have improved in the last two days, bubble like area over eye seems smaller, I think as no others are involved then it is fine to leave it in the larger tank and think I will return mine also (he seems to be enjoying the break away from the other fish in the bag hung within the main tank, but my other mollie is hanging out next to the bag and almost seems to be pineing for his return)

Reading up on the topic (although 2 days and one experience in no ways makes me feel an expert :crazy: ) it seems you would most likely be right in your thinking that
I think eye trauma or stress was the cause of the popeye.
but then what happens after eye trauma is that the eye is open to infection and it is this that causes the visable results, the likelihood of infection (and recovery) is at least partly dependant then I guess on the fishes general health which is why people ask about water conditions, you may not have 'poor' water conditions, but getting them to text book prefect can only help right? As you said in your post in the topic I posted though it seems your right if the conditions were the cause, or indeed there were parasites, then both eyes and/or more fish would be affected in some way.

All the books though suggest it takes a LONG LONG TIME to cure, but if the fish seems well other than the eye it would seem to be locallised infection rather than systemic
Im going to throw my book in the bin over this, basically it said something along the lines of Pop-eye= very bad= septaemia or tuberculosis= kill fish now its life is over!!!!!! :-(
popeye if left untreated can lead to the loss of the eye. would throw out that book it is not worth killing the fish over.

would also add some salt to the tank as long as there are no scaleless fish in the tank. salt burns scaleless fish.

semper fi
Bless it was not looking where they were going that probably got them the popeye in the first place........losing an eye isnt going to help at all :no:


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