Popeye On Betta Going On Month 4 And Getting Worse


New Member
Dec 28, 2014
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My much loved Betta developed popeye in one eye and despite treatment with Epsom salt in his tank (2 tbsp in 2.5 gal tank) the swelling never went down. Being a new, naive owner, I just stopped the Epsom treatment and figured my little guy was ok because he was just as active and happy as ever.

I later learned that a fish with popeye is still sick, which explained why he started to get sluggish again. So after going to the House of Tropicals in MD near my home and getting advice, I began treatment with Betta Revive plus 2 tsp aquarium salt in his 2.5 gal tank.

Seemed to help his energy level, but not the popeye, so after the recommended 3 days of treatment, I stopped it (but I did replace the aquarium salt with Epsom).

Long story short, after holding steady for months, my fish's popeye is now worse, i.e. more swollen. It's nearly 3 times the size of his other normal eye and it hurts me to see it (though it is not about me at all). Also, now there's a white ring around that eye.

Does anyone have any advice? I have him back in the Betta Revive + aquarium salt solution again and he seems to be active again, but the popeye remains.

Any assistance would be so appreciated. I love my fish so much.
I know this is a little late in replying but how is the betta doing? 
If he is still fighting with the popeye, here are some suggestions.  
Stop the betta revive.  I honestly do not think there is really anything in it that will truly heal anything.
Stop the salt.  This is a personal suggestion as I do not recommend adding salt to a FW tank unless it is really needed like in the case of treating something like ICH.
Get an antibacterial medication to start treating him with.  Popeye (like fin rot) is normally caused from bad water parameters and can be cleared up with clean warm water.  But just like with fin rot, there are cases that either get infected or start out from infections that need to be treated with antibiotics to clear them up.  I would start with Maracyn II or Kanapex and see if that makes a difference. 
Make sure your water is staying clean and warm.  This may sound like "preaching to the choir" but it is something I always tell people to pay attention to.  Especially since I have no idea what size tank you have your betta in, your water change schedule, or if you have a heater. 

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