My much loved Betta developed popeye in one eye and despite treatment with Epsom salt in his tank (2 tbsp in 2.5 gal tank) the swelling never went down. Being a new, naive owner, I just stopped the Epsom treatment and figured my little guy was ok because he was just as active and happy as ever.
I later learned that a fish with popeye is still sick, which explained why he started to get sluggish again. So after going to the House of Tropicals in MD near my home and getting advice, I began treatment with Betta Revive plus 2 tsp aquarium salt in his 2.5 gal tank.
Seemed to help his energy level, but not the popeye, so after the recommended 3 days of treatment, I stopped it (but I did replace the aquarium salt with Epsom).
Long story short, after holding steady for months, my fish's popeye is now worse, i.e. more swollen. It's nearly 3 times the size of his other normal eye and it hurts me to see it (though it is not about me at all). Also, now there's a white ring around that eye.
Does anyone have any advice? I have him back in the Betta Revive + aquarium salt solution again and he seems to be active again, but the popeye remains.
Any assistance would be so appreciated. I love my fish so much.
I later learned that a fish with popeye is still sick, which explained why he started to get sluggish again. So after going to the House of Tropicals in MD near my home and getting advice, I began treatment with Betta Revive plus 2 tsp aquarium salt in his 2.5 gal tank.
Seemed to help his energy level, but not the popeye, so after the recommended 3 days of treatment, I stopped it (but I did replace the aquarium salt with Epsom).
Long story short, after holding steady for months, my fish's popeye is now worse, i.e. more swollen. It's nearly 3 times the size of his other normal eye and it hurts me to see it (though it is not about me at all). Also, now there's a white ring around that eye.
Does anyone have any advice? I have him back in the Betta Revive + aquarium salt solution again and he seems to be active again, but the popeye remains.
Any assistance would be so appreciated. I love my fish so much.