Pop Eye


New Member
Jan 6, 2016
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Hi i woke up this morning and found my angel fish with no eye! :-( he was fine last night eating and swimming as normal.
All water reading, amonia 0, nitrate 10, nitrite 0.
Been set up for more than a year now and havent added anything new. My other angel fish is fine i think i will up load a pic, i am currently setting up another tank for one of the angel fish so they stop fighting in a cycling process. Thank you for any help you can give me. I will try and get a picture of the one wih no eye when he comes out of hiding.
Hi, fish can lose their eyes and they can survive without them. I had a harlequin that lost an eye and it's tank mates used to go and nudge it when I put food in. 
Pop-eye is a bacterial infection and doesn't cause the fish to lose an eye. What happens is the area around the eye becomes swollen making the eye protrude. This can be healed up with anti-biotics but unless your angel starts showing any signs of a bacterial infection then they are not needed. You could add some Melafix to your tank. This will help the healing process while not harming your other fish/shrimps/snails and not causing any problems with your filter or plants
Hope that helps and welcome to the forum :)
It might well be that the other angel caused the loss of the eye. Unless you have a matched pair (male and female that "like" each other), two angels is often problematic.

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