Pop Eye


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Puget Sound area, WA USA
My male Kribensis has Pop Eye. :/

My emergency question: is it's contagious? I’ve been reading web sites, and nothing mentioned about it being contagious.

He's hiding in my 100gal, and it will take all evening, a weekend to fish him out... so, can I wait?

Popeye itself isn't contagious but if it's caused by bad water params, then others can be affected. If it was an injured eye, then no, it's not contagious.
Thanks for the answer!!!

Sorry about the mulit postings of my questions, I had error messages like it wasn't posting anything. Really really sorry everyone! :-(
You're welcome and I'll delete the other threads so no worries. :)
I want to post the test results of my water (just tested):

Temp 78º
pH 6.8
Nitrate 0ppm(Mg/L)
Ammonia 0ppm(mg/L)
Carbonate & General Hardness (kH & GH) scale range is 11º-22º(200-400ppm)
Popeye isn't contagious, but as smb pointed out, it's caused by bad water conditions. In your water parameter posting you said nitrAte. Do you mean nitrIte? If it is nitrAte - then check your nitrIte and the opposite- if it's nitrIte posted, then check your nitrAte.

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