Pop Eye...i Think?


Mar 10, 2010
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Hi there,
My angel fish has been having some issues with its eyes for a while. I posted about on her before and that eye seems to have almost cleared up, tonight however my angel's other eye looks awful. The pics don't really do it justice, it looks almost rotten on the top?! Behaviour is the same, maybe a little less active but nothing major. Eating fine, but the poop is maybe a little stringy? Like there is proper poop, then a gap of just casing and then poop again.

Really don't want to lose my Angel, can someone please tell me what I should do? I have been treating with Melafix but I don't think it's helping. I can't isolate it either as I don't have a hospital tank.

Here are some pics:


holy crap! This is a bit scary.. subscribed to this topic waiting for someone to see what you need to cure your fish.

here is some quote on quote from the angel fish forum
"Jungle Fungus clear works very well and can be found in Walmart. The tank buddys are easy to use and very effective. Follow the directions and dose twice. I keep some of these around for the rare times I have to use a medicine. Very handy.
"metro and melafix would do nothing for pop eye, you need a antibiotic and one geared for popeye. my drug of choice would be kanamycin but that is not readily available from the local stores. The other antibiotics geared for this (marked on the package) should do the trick in 5 to 7 days."
"it was brought on by the move and the different water. I personally don't think meds are gonna work. I have only had a couple of popeyes. I actually move the other fish out and kept the tank dark. I kept up my WC but did it very slowly with the air line, trying to keep the stress level at a minimum. Popeye can also be because of bad water maintenance, but I don't think this is an issue here. I really think it's stress related.
here is a site that gives a bit of info"
source: http://angelfishkisses.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4518
I do have a little bit of that left. Yeah I am in the UK lol, I'll dose with what I have today and pick up some more whilst I'm out. Does it look curable? It can't have been like that long as I'm always peering into my tank and only noticed it last night.
I won't say you can guarantee successful treatment as there are many factors to take into consideration. What I will say is I've treated popeye at work a lot, lot worse.
Have you thought about it not being popeye and maybe damaging itself on decor or something? Still, the Myxazin will help any bacterial infections so it's worth a shot regardless.
I'm not sure to be honest, I think I just assumed that because I have never seen anything like this before and so went straight to Google haha. I wouldn't say there is much in the tank it could have hurt itself on, perhaps when it has gone down to scoop some food from the floor it may have caught itself on the wood or something? I know it can't be the water levels because I check them all the time and there is never an issue. I'll treat with the myxazin as suggested and see how it goes. How long would you be expecting to wait before seeing some results?
Thanks for your help.
I'd say give it a weeks treatment before seeing some results. Depends what it is y'know.
Haven't seen any improvement as of yet, if anything it looks a little big more 'fluffy' but I'm unsure as to wether that is the tissue growing back or it getting worse? Still seems to be active enough and eating.
I was concerned about its vision for a while, it didn't seem to be able to see pieces of food that were right in front of it, but this seems to have stopped now and its again chasing bits of bloodworm that are being carried around in the filter flow.
I have done a weeks worth of treatment now, and I am due a water change tomorrow. Shall I do my normal 20% and then carry on treating or wait a while?

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