pop eye and the Texes...


New Member
May 2, 2005
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this is a double post but i hope im safe from a delete... :D

any treatment for pop eye..it seems my Texes has a slightly bulging right eye that is cloudy..he seems to hang below the heater and eats a little when fed...

this is the 2end Texes that has become sick:(the other 6 fish all seem fine.

I would recommend an AQUARIUM SALT medicated recommended solution and water changes for about three weeks. Providing you DO NOT have scaless fish because of the salt. And then, once the problem is under way, try melafix for fix it up.
I too have a fish with popeye. I am using Interpet No9 Anti-Bacterial.I am due to do the second dose today so I cannot tell you if it will work or not. You are recommended to put some aquarium salt in as well but I have a catfish so I couldn't. If you try that treatment good luck and hope your fish will be OK. My other fishes are ok as well so I think the fish knocked his eye on something and that's what started it off.

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