Pop-Eye and Filter Injury


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
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My betta has developed pop-eye overnight. (Besides the protruding eyes, I don't notice anything else. He's as active as ever.) Raiding the fishy medicine cabinet shows Maracyn, Aquarisol, Melafix, and Pimafix. I know I should treat with Maracyn, but should I add anything else or will I overdose the fish?

Also, while I was preparing the hospital tank for the betta, I noticed that the filter in the tropical tank had sucked up one of the neons. (Usually I keep the intake covered with pantyhose, but I had stupidly removed it because I thought it might have something to do with the pop-eye.) The neon is now laying on his back in the tank, definately still alive but not looking good at all. Is there anything I can do for him?

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