Poorly Plec


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Hi can anyone help
I have a 2.5 inch albino bristlenose that seems to have two largish bubbles under its skin one either side of its mouth where his sticky out barbs are, it has not eaten for at least a day, any ideas to what this is or treatment involved? I couldn't see him last night & think my senagal birchir might have eaten him now.
thanks hun but theres no point now, it got eaten by the birchir, which has saved me feedin that for a few days just hope it doesn't end up with the same thing.
What other fish are you keeping with the bichir and how many gallons is the tank? Depending on what else you are keeping with the bichir, and the exact type of bichir you have, the pleco may not be its last victim in time to come.
Just found plec still alive so gona go on the emergency page, cheers. Got sengal birchir in 160 litre tank & I know he'l grow quite big & will be getting a bigger tank later on due to the fact that I know the fish we have will all grow big & prepaired for this. Have a sailfin/common plec which is about 7inch now, 2 biggish angels, 3 dollors & 2 silver sharks, lima shovelnose oh & ghost knife fish. Just recently got this tank as old one was getting a bit small for the fish we had & transfered all the water & fish but having problems getting water balenced, nitrates went a bit high but now settling down but my ph levels are low 6.4ish. The Birchir ate 2 cardinals & 3 danios, I knew he'd eat the smaller fish & gave the leftover little fish & old tank to a friend. Have been searching to find out what is wrong with plec to no avail.

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