Poorly Platties?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
aberdeen, scotland
hi all.
i recently added some fish to my newly cycled tank. 3 platys and 4 tetras. the tetras settled in straight away and they seem quite happy.

however, the platys dont seem to be so happy. one of them died this morning, and since then the other two dont seem to be too happy. they keep floating right at the top of the tank and are not eating today. this is what theother one did the day before it died.

the water levels are: ammonia 0 and nitrite about 0.5 maybe 1. nitrates are low, although i havent done a test today.

any help would be appreciated

can you explain exactly how you cycled the tank?

also how big is the tank?

did you acclimitise the fish? what pH is your water?

first thoughts are i suspect the tank wasn't fully cycled (due to the nitrite reading) and this is affecting the fish.

test your water daily for ammonia and nitrite, if you get a reading for either of them that's not 0 then do a 205 water change.
i put the tank through a fishless cycle. the ammonia and nitrate had gone down to 0 but for some reason the nitrite has had a mini spike again. the ph is just over 7. about 7.5 if i remeber without doing the test again.

the tanks a 60l and i left the fish in the bag for about half an hour floating in the tank, as the instructions on the bag said to do that..
yup as i said above then, water changes and constant monitoring of the tank are necessary for now

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