Poorly Peppered Cory

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Feb 1, 2005
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One of my peppered cory's is looking very poorly. :-( I came home tonight to find him with a clear to whitish lump (about 3mm long and 1mm wide by 1mm high) on his head above his eyes. He was listing to his side in the big tank although he could swim to the top and sit on the bottom of the tank . He is not moving around very much and I have moved him to the isolation tank. He seems happier but he is not at all active. He just sits on the bottom of the tank. Swimming is not very good but he isn't bloated. Breathing is shallow but he is alert. He seems quite content just to sit there. I can't upload pictures yet as I do not know how. Any help PLEEEAAAAASSSEEEEEEEE. :byebye:
I can't be of much help to you with this problem but I just wanted to suggest that you post this in the emergency section of the forum as well as more experienced members might see it there. I hope you can help him, good luck.
Hi ycycle :)

I cannot see your corys barbels in the picture. Are they OK? Can he eat alright? :unsure:
He doesn't appear to be eating at all. When he swims upwards he spirals round. One of his fins does not appear to be moving. His tail fin looks fixed almost shut and he is arched round with his tail turning towards his head. He is still listing to his side but still alive. I have added Melafix last night and I am trying Anti Internal Bacteria today. What are his Barbels. Are they his whiskers. If so one looks crumpled. He is just doing nothing at all appart from breathing. He looks so sad. The whitish lump has not changed in colour of size. It does not look like cotton wool more like a lump.
Hi ycycle :)

It does not sound very good for your little guy. :-(

Yes, barbels are his whiskers and I asked about them because they are often an indication of general health.

You are probably doing the right thing by treating it for bacterial infection since this is the most common thing for corys to come down with. Also, since they only get it when they have weakened immune systems due to some kind of stress, please give your main tank a good cleaning and water change. This will reduce the chances of any of your other fish coming down with the same problem.

Good luck with the treatment. I hope he recovers soon.
Thanks. Still no change but still alive, which is better than I thought. I have added Anti Internal Bacteria today I checked his barbels and they appear a little less crumpled this afternoon but he is still very inactive. Its just sooo sad to see this poor little fellow on his own. He looks so unhappy but the lump is looking slightly reduced this evening. He's still not eating and he still spirals when he swims. I try to put him up the right way if I find him either upside down or on his side. I thinks the cory's are such great fun fish and I really hope he recovers. He's come out of my husbands 125 gal tank and his other 6 friends are still in there. All the other fish look fine and my husband does 20% Water Changes on a weekly basis. As he has been feeding what I think are cockles to his small puffer and the black shark there are a lot of shells on the bottom. Could they be causing the water to be salty or bad for him. Neither the plecs or the other cory's appear to be affected but this is the only change he has made to feeding. I just don't know what to do for the best. If the shells are the problem I can move him to my 22gal with the Neon Tetra's and the molly fry but only once he appears better. Any suggestions Please :sad:
Hi ycycle :)

Could the puffer or shark, or any of the other fish have injured your cory, or stressed him in some way that resulted in his immune system failing ? If so, then the others are at risk too.

I would take the shells out. Shells are not recommended for freshwater tanks since they could gradually dissolve and add unwanted minerals to the water. They may also have sharp edges.

I'm glad to know he seems to be improving, even if it's just a bit. Let's hope it is an indication that the meds are doing their job and he will recover.
R.I.P. Sorry for your loss.

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