poorly Krib

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Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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i have a very sick kribensis, he has had popeye for three weeks, i made the mistake of treating him with antibiotics without removing the carbon filter, which as you all know removes treatments from the water. i feel such a fool :angry:

i have since removed it and started treating him on the antibiotics again but now it seems as though his head is full of fluid it appears swolen and he seems to struggle to close his mouth. he is hideing constantly and is unable to eat food......he does try but it looks like he is in pain as he keeps spitting it out

i was just wondering should i keep treating him with antibiotics or does any one know anything else i can try
at the moment he doesnt look very happy, he has only had one dose of antibiotics since the carbon has been removed

the Popeye was caused by a nitrite/nitrate spike
all other fish in the tank are ok
water levels are now testing ok
my krib is getting better on the antibioyics, he has started to swim arround the tank now ;)

but ive now noticed what has caused the popeye (from what ive read popeye is a secondery infection), he has broken his lower jaw

can anyone advise how to help him as he is still not eating -_-
Poor Krib. I understand how you might feel, and am sure you're doing everything you can. :(

I have heard that 'Melafix' can help patch up injuries, but I'm not sure this'll help with a 'broken' jaw. Are you sure its not an inflamed area that's causing this inability to work its mouth to feed?

Other questions
How much have you read up about 'Popeye'?
What are the water conditions?
Are there any other affected fishes in the tank?
his jaw is all to one side, also all of the swelling in his head appers to be going down inluding the popeye thanks to the antibiotics.

he still isnt eating though and the female krib has started chasing him round the tank.... wish she would let him be :-(

thank you loads for your reply

hopefully he will be able to live with his wonky jaw :fish:
fingers crossed
How much have you read up about 'Popeye'?
fluid build up in the head area which can be caused by any number of factors including water qulity, injury, bacterial infections or after paricitic infections
What are the water conditions? all A ok, nitrite 0 amonia 0 ph 7.5
Are there any other affected fishes in the tank? nope but Popeye is not contagious all other fish happy but tank does have an unrelated algy problem ;)

sorry didnt see these Questions when i replyed the first time, hope these help
Kribensis are aggressive fishes, and especially to each other. If it's possible, I think the female should be seperated from the male, as she would continue to give hime aggro. Do you have another tank in which to relocate her? I'm saying 'her' because she's healthier, so should be able to take the relocation.

Her removal would allow him to feed better, feel better, and makes him think he's won (they like being the dominant Krib). Hope he gets better too.

From my experience, larger male Kribs rarely get 'picked on'. So, perhaps when your male is much larger you could try re-introducing him to her?

Good luck. :D

PS If you have more than the two Kribensis in this tank. Then you'll need to relocate him instead.

he is smaller than her, so i guess thats why she fightim a bit worried that she might also be the cause of the broken jaw
i had a Qurenteen tank but changed it into a small tetra tank, can i put the poorly male krib in with them, or will he munch them in the night?
What's the size of the tetra tank? If its already 'to capacity' with tetra, introducing the male Krib may stress them all out.

I don't have any tetra's myself, but have sneaky suspicion that Kribs and Tetras don't mix. I'm sure someone could confirm this?

Now that you're using the quarantine tank, it would be a good excuse to getting another tank.

i have another tank but ive given away the filter also my flatmates have told me that i cant have anymore tanks :angry: there soo crule

my tetra tank is only small but not full, it is still cycleing and doesnt have any orniments apart from plastic plants

ive already had a nasty experiance when i put a betta fish in with the tetras, one of my glowlight tetras lost an eye. but i would like to know if the krib will be ok with tetra's before i try it.

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