Fish Fanatic
Please can some one give us some advice. Our hillstream loach Watson seems to be fading fast. When I got up this morning he was fine, by 12 today he was acting weird (on the gravel which he never normally does, he's allways behind the filter or on the glass). Not long ago I found him upside down in the tank. He has no marks of any kind. He is now in a bucket on his own so the other fish can't harras him. Water quality is fine, all stats normal. No recent additions to the tank for about 2 weeks. All the other fish are absaloutly fine. He keeps convulsing and lying on his back even if we turn him over which we are not doing anymore so as not to stress him out further.
The weird thing is we bought 3 hillstream loaches from p@h less than a year ago, he is the only one remaining. The other all died suddenly with no symptoms (we'd check on everyone the night before, wake up in the morning to a corpse). The guy in p@h just said "yeah that can happen with them". We have had no other fish deaths.
Is there anything I can do to help him??? Sorry for the double post but it was suggested that I post it here.
The weird thing is we bought 3 hillstream loaches from p@h less than a year ago, he is the only one remaining. The other all died suddenly with no symptoms (we'd check on everyone the night before, wake up in the morning to a corpse). The guy in p@h just said "yeah that can happen with them". We have had no other fish deaths.
Is there anything I can do to help him??? Sorry for the double post but it was suggested that I post it here.