Poorly guppy


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
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My male guppy who i have had for about 4 weeks has spent most of the last week at the bottom of the tank. He has a swim around every so often but seems to sink back to the bottom as if he hasn't got any energy. He not eating very well either. I did think that he has some white spots on him so have been treating the water with white spot treatment. His tail is looking a bit ragged too :(
I have only had tank for 5 weeks and have already lost 1 female guppy, 1 female molly, 1 male guppy and 13 mollie babies. I am left with the male guppy and a male molly. I am reluctant to add any more fish at the moment as i don't want to lose any more. Have been testing the water every week and doing a 25% water change every week. The water levels do seem very high, is there anything i can do to bring them down? I would appreciate any advise. Thanks. :p
your tank must still be cycling right?

if that's the case, you can do daily water changes to keep ammonia and nitrites low and wait until it cycles
don't add any more fish either until the cycle is done
You also should reduce their feedings(even go without feeding them for a day) b/c when excess food builds up from over feeding that creates ammonia too. As Yvez said, do daily water changes(no more than 15%) and if you have the option, increase you filter speed so there's more airation. The more oxygen your fish gets at this time, the better since ammonia and nitrite posion your fish and replaces the oxygen in their blood.
A quick solution could be if you have a friend that a has a fish tank thats cycled then ask for a bag of some of their cultured water to get beneficial bacteria. You can even try this with a clean, respectful fish store but your running a chance with disease.
Good luck.

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