Poorly Guppy

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Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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one of my new guppies has bright red marks around tail snd it looks a bit ragged. its also got 2 tiny red spots on head area. I thought it was fin rot so bought treatment and have started it. Its hid at the top since I got it last weekend.

Does this sound right or could it be anything else. Water stats all OK. Other guppy seems very happy.
Are they red streaks in the tail sound like septicemia, the red spots on the head are they just red or any whiteness with the spots, can you issolate the guppy.

Not the writer of this information below.



Fish may have reddening at fin bases, blood streaks throughout the fins and body, small hemorrhages around the eyes. Dull listless behavior and lack of appetite may also be present.


Systemic bacterial infection caused by various bacteria, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. The illness is often brought on by poor water quality or as a result of parasitic infestations or other infections. These bacteria enter the blood stream and circulate through the tissues causing inflammation and damage. Inflamed blood vessels in the skin and at fin bases stand out. Blood vessel and heart tissue damage cause hemorrhaging and consequently leakage of body fluids into the abdomen, which may lead to Dropsy.


Water conditions must be improved for all fish in the tank, regardless of how many fish are infected. Check your water’s Treat with Kanacyn or Tetracycline as well as with a medicated food if the fish will eat. If parasites are suspected, all the fish in the tank should be treated with antiparasitic medication. Using salt to help restore osmotic balance might be helpful.
No i cant see any white spots.

There is just one line of bright red on the tail right at the end, running across the lines in the tail rather tahn with them.
You will need anti internal bacteria med by interpet, best if you can issolate, if not you will have to medicate the whole tank, good luck.

i really wish id set up a hspital tank earlier now. Well we learn from our mistakes.
Do you have the med in stock, as i would get treating straight away, as it soon can kill them, good luck.
would the whole tank need treatiing anyway in case other fish have picked it up?
Well it always best to issolate sick fish, but if not it shouldn't do any harm as it dosn't wipe the bacteria colony out in your tank, check water quality as well, i would preform a water change before you add the med.

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