poorly frog


New Member
Mar 10, 2005
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my frog seems to be poorly he is swimming about all over the place, looking at him his back seems like it has long flakey skin hanging of it, usally he sits under his rock and comes out every now and again but he is swimming about all over, he has seemed fine for the five weeks we have had him, my tank is old as the frog, i do constant water changes every week?????????? :S
Sounds like the cycling has took it toll on him, can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, do a immediate water change, also how big is the tank and what else do you keep with the frog.don't no if you can add salt with frogs maybe try some melafix to help his skin out.
it could be that he is shedding his skin a little, mine have done that from time to time. erratic swimming though is not good, make sure that he is getting enough to eat and that there is nothing that he could snag his leg or arm on, i've had mine break and damage limbs before and it has had fatal results.
good luck though
I lost three African Dwarf frogs in the last year, probably due to cycling and/or high ammonia levels :X

Sometimes they do shed. Keep a close eye on him and if it comes off, you are in good shape ;) One of my frogs ate his own skin :sick: yuck!

If it looks like mold or fuzz, then you are in big trouble. As previously said, add some melafix and perform daily 10% water changes, check your water & if you have a bio-wheel, make sure it's spinning perfectly.

The melafix may not work if it is really fuzzy/moldy looking though. Once that happens, they are unfortunately not going to make it :(

Good luck, I hope it works ;)
ok ill try some of that what exactly do frogs eat? i was told he just eats the rubbish of the bottom by my local pet store but he has been wrong before and do not have loads of faith in him, i do regular water changes aprox 20% per week and hoover the bottom of the tank every 2 weeks, it dosent look like fungus its quite strange i think its skin but will keep my eye on him!!
Hey there,

I would gravel vac once a week if he ends up dying - it suggests it's not quite clean enough for him. If he survives, great :p

They can eat rubbish on the rocks, but FROZEN blood worms are much better. I use a net or my hand to lower them right to his mouth, otherwise by dropping them in at the top, the fish will eat them all before they hit the bottom.

Again, good luck!

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