poorly fish

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Apr 13, 2004
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Can any one help My daughter has a fish tank which has been running for a few months all the fish have been doing well except that over the last few days she has lost nearly them all The only fish remaining are a gourami and 2 angels.

We have had the water tested and the man said that the amonia level was up and told us to do a water change. We have done this but things are not improving

The gourami last night was laying on the floor not moving and this morning it is now at the top of the water with his mouth at the surface but again not moving.

The angels are a bit lifeless aswell are they going the same way.

What can we do, any ideas?

Please contact me asap to try and save the remaining fish

sorry the tank is 2ft x 1ft i have a filter that takes sponge and charcoal stars (not sure of the make/model) and the only remaining fish are 2 small angels

Thanks :( :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :fish: :rip:
What size tank do you have? What other fish were in there? What kind of filter are you running on the tank? This may help us help you....

Its probably a good idea if you get some test kits.....namely ammonia, nitrite and nitrate....this way you will be able to check as soon as you see something going wrong. For now, I would keep doing water changes...try every day...see if you see any improvement in your fish...

Also, since you have no catfish in the tank, adding some aquarium salt may help...it has to be aquarium salt, purchased from your LFS, and added as per the directions on the packet/container etc. This reduces the effects of ammonia and nitrite.

It is highly likely that your nitrite is high as well as ammonia....and your fish are at the top of the water as this is he most oxygenated part of the tank....

Let us know how the remaining fishies go....and hang in there ;)
i would do daily 20% water changes with dechlorinated water.

have you done anything recently like clean the filter?
have anyfish that have died been left to decay?

do the waterchanges everyday and get some test kits. ;)
U most likely lost them due to ammonia/nitrite spikes. Daily water changes of 20-30% should help to curve you clear of those spikes.

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