Poorly Cory


New Member
Feb 1, 2005
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One of my peppered cory's is looking very poorly. :-( I came home tonight to find him with a clear to whitish lump (about 3mm long and 1mm wide by 1mm high) on his head above his eyes. He was listing to his side in the big tank although he could swim to the top and sit on the bottom of the tank . He is not moving around very much and I have moved him to the isolation tank. He seems happier but he is not at all active. He just sits on the bottom of the tank. Swimming is not very good but he isn't bloated. Breathing is shallow but he is alert. He seems quite content just to sit there. I can't upload pictures yet as I do not know how. Any help PLEEEAAAAASSSEEEEEEEE. :byebye:
You can go to photobucket.com and register and post your pics there. Then just copy the link and paste in your post. I had never done anything like that either but it was easy and also free. As for your cory, they are pretty much nocturnal anyway so him staying still during the day is pretty normal. My peppered did the same thing when isolated him for swim bladder. You might want to put something it that he can hide under, even a lettuce leaf that he can get under will work.
If you can issolate him it would be great, I would treat him with anti internal bacteria med, plus some melafix, good luck.
The link does work but I'm not sure what the thing on his head is. Hopefully, some of the veterans can help. Being isolated can have an effect on him as they are schooling fish. As I said, mine didn't move around much at all when I had him isolated. Just give him a hiding place and not a lot of light.
R.I.P. Sorry for your loss.

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