Poorly Cory?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Southampton, UK

A couple of weeks ago i introduced a small Corydoras Arcuatus and he seemed to settle in very well, but a few days ago I noticed his normally white body scales had turned dark grey! Is this sign he is ill?
Hi B2k2 :)

Your C. Arcuatas is a very attractive fish and is one that is on my "must have" list (if I ever see them at the lfs). :D

I know of nothing that would cause a cory to change to a color that is unnatural for them. How is it acting? Is he eating? Otherwise, does he look normal--no fin damage or fuzzy stuff on it? :unsure:

I notice that your tank is a bit overstocked. Please be sure that you keep the bottom of the tank very clean. Do you use a siphon or gravel-vac to remove the fish wastes from the gravel? :huh:
He does look really cool and bit unusual as he only has very tiny barbs. :)

I just had a closer look and his dorsal fin does look a little damaged, should I treat this, I have some Waterlife Myxazin which says its for fin rot.

As for his behavour he sits at the front of the tank most of the time, but occasionaly he will go for little swim around and some time he darts to the surface and drops down again. I haven't seen him feeding though, my other corys seem quite active in the evening foraging for food, but he just seems to sit there.

I actually have sand as a substrate which doesn't seem to get that dirty, but every week or two i give the front section a good vaccuming with my air gravel cleaner. ;)
Hi B2k2 :)

If you suspect your cory might have fin rot, do treat him immediately. If possible, it might be a good idea to isolate him until you make sure that the fin rot is not secondary to a bacterial infection. :eek:

Are your corys getting enough food? They are omnivores and should have a balanced diet of meat and veggies. I feed mine bloodworms, tubiflex worms, and spirulina discs as well as shrimp pellets and granulated tropical food. (I often find that people do not realize that corys need more food than just leftovers, so please do not mind my asking.)
Thanks for the advise! :D

I have just treated the tank with Myxazin as I have nowhere to isolate my little cory. Should I repeat the treatment in a couple of days, I ask as it seems odd that one treatment would cure the problem and it doesn't say anything on the bottle.

Along with regular flake feeds I feed all my fish frozen blood worm once a week as a treat, the other corydoras have only just started to come out when these are fed. I have also tried feeding them with king british catfish pellets, I haven't seen any of them eat these (except my platys) but they seem to be gone by the next day.

I've got some freeze dried tubifex which I tried a while ago (before i got the platys and 2 of my cories), but my neons and danios seemed to spit them out like they were poo!

What is your Cories favorite food?

Also is it normal for cories to have very small barbs? All my others seem to have long ones??? :unsure:
i just feed them tetramin pro flakes which are floating but i press them into the water and yes the cories eat them pretty fast (hope they enjoy them) there's also Tetra Tabimin but it is a little pricey and the tetramin Pro is more multi- purpose :)
Hi B2k2 :)

It's been a few days and I'm wondering how your little cory is doing. :unsure:

I don't know whether you should repeat the medication or if it will stay in the tank until you add charcoal to your filter to remove it.

You can get the freeze dried worms down to the corys by holding the cube under water for a few minutes until it softens. Then rub it between your fingers until the worms separate. They will then drift down to the bottom. My corys love them, but their favorite food is live bloodworms.

Your cory could have injured his barbels. This can happen when they are in tanks with rocks instead of fine gravel or sand. :sad:

Corys do eat at night, too, so I usually put some spirulina discs or shrimp pellets in for them just before I turn the lights out. That's why your pellets are gone in the morning. :D
Hi inchworm,

There is a couple of days to go untill the course of medication has finished and he definatley seems to have pirked up a little bit, I actually saw him eating last nite. :p
His colour is not back to normal yet, but I guess that will take a little bit longer. :)

Thanks for your and joshua's advise on the food, my other cories seem to definatly like bloodworm. I'll have to try live bloodworm if my LFS has it in stock, I tried live daphnia which was gobbled up quite quickly.

if his barbels are damaged they will grow back? :huh:
barbel damage can be physical and also secondary infectious
because cories feed from the bottom they are prone to damage from sharp surfaces
damage from heavy substrates
and infection from accumulated waste's

depending on the severity and duration of the damage the barbels may grow back to some degree although not always to full length

cories appreciate a smooth small sized substrate
in fine sand you will see them bury there head deep in search of food

interesting article

all the best
cories are great little fish
Thanks for the answer, fishgeek. :D I wasn't sure if they would grow back or not.

Interesting article, too! :nod:
yeah ian fuller is a bit of a guru this side of the pond
he's written a book and all , just on cory's

smart guy

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