Poorly Clown


New Member
May 29, 2009
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Ok I've already put this in the wrong forum (and this might be the wrong one again...) but can anyone help please:

Tank size: 50 litres

Temperature: 26 Degrees Celcius

Tank readings: I'm buying some new reading equipment over the next week and until then cannot give details although I bought a new coral yesterday and took a sample of water to the specialist shop I use. They measured it and it was all fine (I like to do this before spending!)

Fish Symptoms: I have 2 true percula clowns, one has just developed a swollen red area underneath his mouth. On the photo provided it looks white but to the naked eye it looks red, almost like a spot. He's still eating normally, isn't hiding or acting strangely. Although I saw the cleaner shrimp eyeing him up earlier which might indicate something on him?

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 10% water change every week, water is pre-mixed at said shop above.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Built in filter system at the back including carbon

Tank inhabitants: 2 percula clown's, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 hermit crabs, a button coral, frogspawn, flower coral and feather duster.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): a piece of live rock and a new soft coral. The name has escaped me at the minute (it looks like a yellow cactus)

Digital photo (include if possible):


As you can see these are beautiful little clown's and I'd hate anything bad to happen :no:
Ok I've already put this in the wrong forum (and this might be the wrong one again...) but can anyone help please:

Tank size: 50 litres

Temperature: 26 Degrees Celcius

Tank readings: I'm buying some new reading equipment over the next week and until then cannot give details although I bought a new coral yesterday and took a sample of water to the specialist shop I use. They measured it and it was all fine (I like to do this before spending!)

Fish Symptoms: I have 2 true percula clowns, one has just developed a swollen red area underneath his mouth. On the photo provided it looks white but to the naked eye it looks red, almost like a spot. He's still eating normally, isn't hiding or acting strangely. Although I saw the cleaner shrimp eyeing him up earlier which might indicate something on him?

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 10% water change every week, water is pre-mixed at said shop above.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Built in filter system at the back including carbon

Tank inhabitants: 2 percula clown's, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 hermit crabs, a button coral, frogspawn, flower coral and feather duster.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): a piece of live rock and a new soft coral. The name has escaped me at the minute (it looks like a yellow cactus)

Digital photo (include if possible):


As you can see these are beautiful little clown's and I'd hate anything bad to happen :no:


its kind of hard to tell on those pics.. any chance of a close up..
:hi: to TFF nice to have you on-board

Can you just clarify:

You are keeping a pair of clowns in a 10 gallon tank?
Your water stats: Ammonia, Nitrite, nitrate, ammonia
How long has your tank been cycled?
Close up photos
How long have you had the clowns in that tank?
does anything else in the tank show any signs of problems?
has anything died recently?
what sort of flow and with what?

One observation, a 20/25 % water change weekly would be better :good:

Seffie x


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