Poorly Betta


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Hi there, was wondering if anyone can help diagnose a problem with my fish. His name is Rusty and I have had him for about 9 months. Up until now he has been a very happy and sociable betta, mixing well in the community with the other fish. The other fish are 5 neon tetras, 5 plattys and 4 mollys. For the last 2 weeks however, Rusty has been behaving very strangely spending all of his time lying on the bottom and is very bloated and pale. Yesterday morning when I turned the tank light on he was floating at the top on his side, I actually thought he was dead but e dived back to the bottom and stayed there. The same happened this morning so I have quarantined him to observe closer. I tried starving the tank for two days incase of over eating but he showed no change, today he has refused to eat betta flake or thawed pea and has had not passed any poo. I am very worried about him and his eyes are now glazed over, is it too late for him???

Thanks for any replies, Emily
Yowch :( Looks like his scales are pineconing, that indicates dropsy which is unfourtuantley uncurable :( The best thing to do is use some salt in his water and anti-internal bacteria, but ultimately try and make him comfortable :(
Poor poor Rusty!! Bless him, he is such a lovely fish. How would he have caught this? Is it something I have done wrong? I do not want to put my other fish at risk as he is still floating in their tank with them in breeding trap. Hope I haven't done anything wrong to cause this. If so must put it right immediately!!

Thanks for the swift reply, Emily
No, dropsy isn't usually contaguous, I'd isolate him in anything you can, preferably with a heater, or float, say, an ice cream tub in the main tank so the water is seperate but the temp. is the same.
Ok, will put him in a plastic tub, I have one which I use for transporting platty fry to breeding tank. Do you think I should add salt or just leave him in peace? Has he got this through negligence on my part or is it just one of those things?

Thanks again for help, Emily
Sorry bless him and he 's lovely, you might stand a chance if you act fast and get him on to an antibiotic like tetracycline, but he would have to be issolated for this.
Just noticed in the uk that the teracycline gone, interpet anti internal bacteria, but not a good as tetracycline.
Have just had a look on some other sites and they all seem to say progonosis poor but to try interpet anti internal bacteria #9. Also found all the numbers for my lfs's and will try and call them in the morning to get some asap. Think it might be too late now though. Thanks for all the help, will update in morning with the latest. Emily.
Yes it could be by then, just keep fingers crossed.
Hi all, well he's still alive this morning but still not looking great. Going to have a go at treatment as he's obviously a fighter!! (no pun intended!). Anyway, phoned petsmart in Cambridge just now and they have some interpet internal bacteria in stock so I'm off to go get some. Not sure about how to administer though? And also should I add salt to his water? How much and what type?

Really appreciate all the help and suggestions, have never used the forum before but everyone has been so helpul!! Emily
And also should I add salt to his water? How much and what type?

Hmm, usually its Aquarium salt, but I've heard that epsom salts should be used with dropsy :dunno: I'm not sure though, so its probably best to go for aquarium salt (usually this is in a carton at lfs's) at the dose on the packet. Good luck.

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