Poorly African Dwarf Frog


Fish Crazy
Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT
A few days ago, i noticed that one of my adfs had become extremely thin--emaciated, actually. I removed her from the tank and put her in her own bowl (I don't have a spare tank, though now i see the value in one). She does not attempt to eat when i feed her, even when food is placed directly in front of her.

The other two adfs are fine. They share a tank with 9 neon tetras, 7 corys, 10 amano shrimp and several red cherry shrimp. They seem to do just fine locating and competing for food with their tank mates, so i don't think it's an issue of it simply starving to death, or is it?

Any ideas on what might be wrong or what i can do to try and save it? I'm afraid she doesn't have much time left.
sorry i saw this post and it had no replies :( i have a few myself and was wondering if it turned out ok! If it didnt make it, id say that the other fishes, and frogs took the food. Ive never heard of a disease where that happens theres the bloating disease which is the opposite though so im not sure...
Could be internal parasites. What are you attempting to feed it? may simply not like the taste of the food.

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