Poor Thing


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
At a pet shop (not my LFS)when i was getting some dog food there was a small goldfish in a tank.He was in a tropical tank whith guppys mollies apple snails and a huge angelfish what looked half dead.I felt so sorry for him so i bought him for a huge £1 and rushed him home.He is named lucky and i put him in a spare 10gal and amazingly after about an hour he was swimming around and was eating the food.Did i do the right thing????what shud i do now!!!! :thumbs:
yes you did the right thing; now you need to find a longterm home for him, preferbly a pond.

well done for saving him :clap:
my friend had got a huge pond :p
when the weather gets warmer ill put him in there!
Yes you did as some one would of put him in a bowl, and you have got him a pond lined up, good on you for being so caring.
germanshepherdlver said:
my friend had got a huge pond :p
when the weather gets warmer ill put him in there!
yay, thats great news
Easter weekend is traditionally the time LFS start sellin outdoor fish.
not long now
He went in my next door neighbours pond this morning
Its cool it is huge(half her garden)and has an island of decking in the middle which the fish can swim under if there is a predetor!It has netting over the top to stop birds and also has a seethrogh cover in the colder weather and shoting fountains!
Its soo cool i want it :( it was nice too see my little fishie swimming with his friends
:cool: hope he has a happy long life as he deserves it.

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