Poor Pleccy...

My Head Hurts

New Member
Jun 10, 2004
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Last Tuesday
I ought a gold nugget plec a bit ago and it died about two weeks after i bought it :( I did a water check and it was fine, my ph is about 6.8 and i cant think of anything else wrong. Should i get a replacement (when ive got enough money)?
it may of had parasites in the belly which is a quite common for plecs making them die.

you could go back to the fish shop and see if they can refund you 1 or maybe knock off a bit on another.
Ah, just one of those things then. I doubt the'll refund me as their guarantee lasts a week. Don't suppose there's any way of pickin a healthy one though?
yep it is unfortuanately, i had a sailfin die on me in 2 days and golden nugget more recently die in 2 days.

luckily for me i work at the shop where i got the nugget so i havew it on credit.

there are ways to pick out a good un but it's hard to get it spot on!!

the main factor will be there belly, you should try and pick one that looks nice and plump is the belly is tought you should try to steer clear. Also go for one with the best colouring as that may help.

although the guy that picked out my sailfin got a nicely patterned one which is the one that died!! luckily he replced that one.

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