Poor neon


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Devon, U.K.
Hi everyone,

One of my neon tetras has disappeared, he was gone this morning and he has been gone all day so I think he has gone to the bridge :byebye: I haven't had high hopes for him lately though TBH as a few days ago my b/f noticed one of his eyes was missing, although he was still perky and I thought he might be ok without his second eye.

P.S Isn't it weird how they just disappear? Whenever I lose a neon I never find any trace of them ever existing, sad really :sad:
Could one of your fish of eatten him? Check under any of your decorations, be may be stuck or hiding where you cant see him.
You dont have many decorations so it wont be in there, it's been munched :crazy:
I don't think he is hiding, they don't really tend to hide but I am going to have a look in my filter and their castle when I get the chance (if my rainbow shark will let me!). Thanks for the reassuring post though, there is still hope -_- Also I don't think any of my fish could have eaten him, I don't have any aggressive fish or any fish really large enough to swallow him whole.
If he's dead then it wont matter if they're aggressive, they'll eat him anyway :sick:
Yeah, I don't think they would have killed him but they must have eaten him after he died, poor little guy :-(
Just thought I'd update for anyone who is interested, my neon is definitely nowhere to be found as I changed my substrate to sand yesterday and he didn't show himself. He soldiered on with one eye for such a long time, bye bye brave little guy :byebye:

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