Poor Guppy's tail has been nipped a lot!!!!


New Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Beautiful California!!!!!!
I just got 3 fancy tailed guppies a week ago. Everything seemed fine but today one of them has a huge part of his tail eaten. I tried to sit back and watch which other fish did this to him but I didn't see anyone bothering him. Below is a list of what I have. It's a 45 gallon tank.

What should I do? Is he in pain? Will it grow back? Any help is appreciated!

6 neon Tetra
1 Red tailed shark
2 Black Mollies
2 Orange Platies
2 Hatchet fish
1 Corydoras Catfish Sterbai
3 fancy tailed Guppies
1 Glass Catfish
2 Black Skirt Tetras
Bristle Nose / Ancistrus Pleco (I think that's what he is)
I'm putting my money on the Black Skirt Tetras. I used to have two in my tank and they caused nothing but problems. They are known to be fin nippers.

Try to sit back at feeding time, thats when I saw mine do the most damage. Big trouble makers they are.
This is nothing to do with your question, but you should always keep your cories in groups of 3 or more (I notice you only have the one in your tank)
I think it's the Red Tailed Shark. I have had two male guppies and both of them died cause of fin nip. As you can see, I don't have any of your fish (except for neon's) and I also don't know who nipped my guppies. I suggest you get them out of there before it's to late. I'm also planning to give my remaining females to someone else.
Another thing, I'm one of those people who want to know exactly what fish I have it took me almost a month to find out the name and info of my
Starlight Brislenose pleco. I see you don't know what kind you have, hope this link helps: www.planetcatfish.com.

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