Poor Bruce!


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
my poor betta bruce.

so i had quarantined bruce in a new acrylic tank i got and he'd been there about 3-4 days (for fin rot).
gradually got moodier and moodier, i went away last night, came back this evening to find him clamped and very sad looking, immediately moved him back to his 7gal old tank, straight away the cories were nibbling on his tail so they've been relocated to my 5gal hex with neons (far from ideal, but they're all going to their new 15gal new home next weekend). and now bruce is like the pic below.

added some salt, a little melafix, lowered the water level a little.

fingers crossed he looks better tomorrow.
and i'm going to remove and re-clean that acrylic tank. (did water tests on it, all completely normal)
do you think it could have been the new tank? something in it? i gave it a clean with hot water and salt before i got it ready for him. or maybe the silk plants? they were given a good rinse too though...

i'm baffled!


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he's on melafix at the moment
when he was in the other tank he was on king british fin rot meds for the first 2 days.
still have the carbon filter in the tank at the moment i think
will move it all around tomorrow night depending on how he is
Good luck, i find bacterial meds are better on finrot.
he looks a bit brighter this morning and his fins are a little less clamped
definately swimming around a bit more and eating well

will get him on the fin-rot meds tonight as that was looking a little sore.
Good luck.
This might seem stupid but do you know the temperature of the water?
I had just the same problem with my betta so I raised the temperature just a bit. Mine seemed more active at about 80-82 F. Just a suggestion.
My betta isn't on any of my lists of fish because it is a cocky fish and is in a tank on its own down stairs in the kitchen. Sounds mean I know but it does seem to enjoy living on its own, like most.
Just another suggestion, if you have another tank that could a female better could go in, maybe, just maybe, it would cheer your little Bruce up if they met a few 30 mins a week. ( not saying it's a good suggestion but I probably would try it ) However don't leave her in there because he will kill her unless u add more that one female.
Good luck on what ever you try :) hope he gets better soon and if he does, please could you tell me what you did, just incase mine does the same plzzz :D
my bettas temps have always been around the late 70s

he's much better now.
i would never put a female right in the tank with him, it wouldn't cheer him up, it would anger him and that would be unfair. a mirror is much safer!

you never ever ever put male and females in the same tank together. unless you're breeding and even then it's under very controlled and observed circumstances, and conditioning has taken place before hand. they are seperated after the spawning has taken place.

he nearly took my finger off when i was feeding him this morning, much perkier!
Good news, hope he carries on improving.

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