Poor Black moor...


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay so today was the last day for his treatment for ich. I have been adding salt to his tank and treating him with ich meds for a week now. There is still one white spot on his tail that won't go away. :X But today he is laying on the bottom of the gravel only to swim up to the glass when I come near the tank. :-( I am in tears now hoping he makes it. His water is sparkling clean as I just did a 95% water change then added his meds and salt like usual.

Am is 0, Ni is 0, and Na is 0.

What could be wrong? He can hold his balance in water, but he is just laying on the gravel not moving. :-(

What should I do?
i wouldnt be using the meds and the salt. it should be one or the other.
with ick its very easy for them to get secondary infections.
I hate to say it... but... it sounds like he's got columnaris after all. That's the last stage that my little girls went through before they passed on. :-( Have you tried Maracyn or Tetracycline?
No I didn't get the meds you sent me today. They will probably get here monday. :( Well I was treating him with ick away medicine with 10 minute salt baths. :dunno: I hope he makes it.
Dang, I should have fedexed them to you.
You'd have had them today.
Man, that sucks.

I hope he can hang in there til Monday, then.
The meds seem to work wonders for that stuff.
Tell him to just hang in there....
BettaMomma said:
Dang, I should have fedexed them to you.
You'd have had them today.
Man, that sucks.

I hope he can hang in there til Monday, then.
The meds seem to work wonders for that stuff.
Tell him to just hang in there....
I did another water change today, a rather large one as I think I know what was bothering him. The LFS told me that goldies like an occassional orange slice so I dropped one in his tank. Immediately after I put it in there he started acting weird and didn't want anything to do with it, so I scooped it out. Then he sunk to the bottom and just layed there. I scrubbed his tank out really good and re-filled it with all new water. I put him in a baggie and acclimated him for a good 30 minutes like I would if I just bought him new. I put some cycled gravel in a sock in his tank just in case there isn't enough bacteria to keep the cycle in the tank going.

It is okay, not your fault the mail is slow. :p I think he will make it, as he is swimming around now and searching for food. :D I was so worried he wouldn't make it lastnight. :-(

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