Poor bettas


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
I went to this pet shop in Leeds the other day, and they had a huge fish section. YIPPEEEEE I thought, I love looking round fish shops. But I was majorly disappointed. Not only were every single one of the display tanks majorly overstocked, but hidden in a corner with the manky plastic fish bowls were two bettas, not particularly nice ones, but not awful ones, one red and one white with black fins. They were in two tiny little bowls which can't have been more than 15cm in diameter with no filter, plant or hidey holes and filthy water. They were also seriously at risk of being knocked off the shelf by someone reaching for one of the plastic things next to them. I really wanted to rescue them, but as I live at the other end of the country, I wouldn't have been able to get them home safely. I tried to persuade my grandmother who I was staying with to have at least one of them, but she wouldn't. It broke my heart leaving the poor little guys there, and I felt so sorry for them and all the other fish crammed into the display tanks :angry: :-(
phishphood said:
I went to this pet shop in Leeds the other day, and they had a huge fish section. YIPPEEEEE I thought, I love looking round fish shops. But I was majorly disappointed. Not only were every single one of the display tanks majorly overstocked, but hidden in a corner with the manky plastic fish bowls were two bettas, not particularly nice ones, but not awful ones, one red and one white with black fins. They were in two tiny little bowls which can't have been more than 15cm in diameter with no filter, plant or hidey holes and filthy water. They were also seriously at risk of being knocked off the shelf by someone reaching for one of the plastic things next to them. I really wanted to rescue them, but as I live at the other end of the country, I wouldn't have been able to get them home safely. I tried to persuade my grandmother who I was staying with to have at least one of them, but she wouldn't. It broke my heart leaving the poor little guys there, and I felt so sorry for them and all the other fish crammed into the display tanks :angry: :-(
Hi Phisphood, this is actually illegal under UK animal cruelty laws and you can (and should IMHO) make a formal complaint against this pet shop.

Please telephone the RSPCA on 0870 55 55 999 and give them the name and address of the pet shop concerned and they will send an inspector. They take a pretty dim view of issues like this. You won't have to give your name.

Tell me how it goes - even if you can't rescue them, the RSPCA can. Good luck!
phishphood said:
Which bit is illegal? the bettas or the overstocking?
The bettas are my biggest concern, but the whole place sounds like it needs inspecting.
Ive seen the same thing at alot of lfs around here. I provide what stock I can to many lfs in my area and one store in particular really pleases me. I work part time at this store also maintaining their tanks and doing odd carpentry work for the owner. They have a wall unit devoted to just bettas. It has 3 levels with 6 compartments each. Each compartment holds approx. 1 gallon. The unit as a whole is filtered and heated with an extremely large canister filter. Ya wanna hear the really good part? They are moving to a larger location within the next year. All of their current tanks, 20 10g, 3 29g, 2 45 g and 1 110g along all equipment AND the outstanding betta setup are going to be replaced with brand new equipment. So wheres the old going to go? It has been sold to me for the low price of 400 bucks!!!! I cant wait to get it all set up in my fish room. Truly someone up above was smiling down on me when they offered it to me.
KnuckleHead said:
Ya wanna hear the really good part? They are moving to a larger location within the next year. All of their current tanks, 20 10g, 3 29g, 2 45 g and 1 110g along all equipment AND the outstanding betta setup are going to be replaced with brand new equipment. So wheres the old going to go? It has been sold to me for the low price of 400 bucks!!!! I cant wait to get it all set up in my fish room. Truly someone up above was smiling down on me when they offered it to me.
OMG, KnuckleHead, how wonderful for you!!! :D :thumbs: :lol:

I'm also really glad to learn that a lfs that takes good care of its fish is prospering enough to expand to a larger store. :thumbs: That's the way things are supposed to happen! :nod:

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