Fish Fanatic
I went to this pet shop in Leeds the other day, and they had a huge fish section. YIPPEEEEE I thought, I love looking round fish shops. But I was majorly disappointed. Not only were every single one of the display tanks majorly overstocked, but hidden in a corner with the manky plastic fish bowls were two bettas, not particularly nice ones, but not awful ones, one red and one white with black fins. They were in two tiny little bowls which can't have been more than 15cm in diameter with no filter, plant or hidey holes and filthy water. They were also seriously at risk of being knocked off the shelf by someone reaching for one of the plastic things next to them. I really wanted to rescue them, but as I live at the other end of the country, I wouldn't have been able to get them home safely. I tried to persuade my grandmother who I was staying with to have at least one of them, but she wouldn't. It broke my heart leaving the poor little guys there, and I felt so sorry for them and all the other fish crammed into the display tanks