Poo Eating Fish...?


Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2010
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Are there any fish that eat poo?

My oscars seem to do poo like its going out of fashion! lol

I know you can get snail eating and algae eating.... any poo eating ?
Theres nothing that eats poo and even if it did it would produce poo!! :lol: You just need to be thorough and regular on your tank maintance - take all decor out of the tank at least once a week and give it a really good gravel vac with a 30% water change! If you think thats not enough then gravel vac twice a week. There really is no substitute for a clean tank and thats down to you and your fish will thank you for it by staying healthy! :good:
oh, this may have come accross the wrong way sorry. I have no problem doing a weekly water change (30% every sunday). It was purely just to keep the sand looking clean during the week :)
I only really see 2 options for keeping a oscar tank loooking clean.

1. Use river gravel, it is pretty good at hiding the poo although you need to make sure your weekly gravel cleans are good or detritus will build up and you get a problem.

2. Use powerheads along with filter outlets to push the poo around so it gets sucked up into the filter and therefore doesn't settle in the tank. Problem here is your filters now require more maintenance and your oscar may just decide he doesn't like the power head and smash it off the side of the tank.

Oscars are just eating and pooing machines.

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