

Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2007
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weston, UK
just got a new book "coloured atlas of minature catfish - every cory, brochis and aspidoras" been reading through its makign me wanna set up a breeder tank for either sterbai or a simpler one bronze since i seem to find it impossible to only have 1 tank running in my house, i have a spare 15 gallon.

so what do you all recon sand or bare bottom tank?

internal filter from mains or air pump sponge filter?

lots of plants and pots ?

any advice at all ? ive been reading about telling apart males and females, big water changes, cooler water changes and splashing water on surface to stimulate mating period. and once theres eggs should i move the parents or all corys from the tank out into my bigger tank?

so much to know but this will be my first breeding attempt ever :)
That's an interesting topic shibby and it seems everyone has a different way of doing it.

Some people let the Corys spawn where they are and harvest the eggs (by hand, razor blade, etc.) and put them into a breeding net floating in the main tank, a 3 inch tub with an air stone floating in the main tank, into tubs with an air stone, into another tank for them to hatch.

Some people put the very pregnant (bulging with eggs) and 2 males into a 15 / 20 gallon tank with bare glass and no plants and do a water change lowering the temperature by several degrees and then removing the adults after the eggs are laid.

Everyone has their own way of doing things. What works for person A may not work for person B.

I stumbled into this by accident. I woke up one morning and saw eggs in my main tank which I then moved to a recently purchased 10 gallon (was to be used as a quarantine tank). It was bare glass with a handful of marble sized stones in it and some combomba and java moss plus an air stone. I added an Aqua Clear 20 with a sponge on the intake later plus a sponge filter.

For the second spawning I caught the adults in the act and quickly moved them to the 10 gallon.

I suggest you scan the posts in this channel and read what other people have had success with.

Good luck and welcome to a very addictive but rewarding hobby.


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