

Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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With the warmer weather coming on i figured i should add some goldies to the pond for mozzie control (or i'll get fined by the town council). So the other day i bought 2 gorgeous bright yellow goldies, and today i added 2 white/orange goldies. A local fellow was selling heaps are larger goldies....pity i couldnt take more, but my pond just isnt big enough unfortunately
He was telling me he bought the house only 3-4 months ago, it has a pool, but it was filthy, so he drained it to clean it. It was a goldifish pond lol, LOTS & LOTS of goldies in it and also some silver perch, so now he needs to rehome them all. Wish i have a pool sized pond lol
Sorry for the dumb question..what's mozzie control? And be sure to get some pics! :) I wish we had a pool sized pond too.
Mozzies are mosquitoes - which are a nuisance here too altho I don't think we have local by-laws about them. 
My sis has a pond tho it's only small and couldn't be mistaken for a pool! Bet she wishes it could! lol
How are the fish settling in Alasse? Am with Nin on the pictures!
Yep mozzies are mosquitoes. People can get quite sick from the mozzies here so there are laws in place for that reason :)
This guys pool is an actual inground swimming pool, but the previous owners must have decided to turn it into a goldfish pond instead...quite large and quite deep.
Fish seem to be doing well, hard to see them through the duckweed and wood in there lol
I'll try for pics in a week or so, i need to catch them to get pics, and wanna let them settle rather than distressing them again just for pics :)
Glad they are doing well. Looking forward to pictures when you have some.

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