With the warmer weather coming on i figured i should add some goldies to the pond for mozzie control (or i'll get fined by the town council). So the other day i bought 2 gorgeous bright yellow goldies, and today i added 2 white/orange goldies. A local fellow was selling heaps are larger goldies....pity i couldnt take more, but my pond just isnt big enough unfortunately
He was telling me he bought the house only 3-4 months ago, it has a pool, but it was filthy, so he drained it to clean it. It was a goldifish pond lol, LOTS & LOTS of goldies in it and also some silver perch, so now he needs to rehome them all. Wish i have a pool sized pond lol
He was telling me he bought the house only 3-4 months ago, it has a pool, but it was filthy, so he drained it to clean it. It was a goldifish pond lol, LOTS & LOTS of goldies in it and also some silver perch, so now he needs to rehome them all. Wish i have a pool sized pond lol