Pond/Weather/Dojo Loach advice needed plz


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Aug 28, 2022
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Hey, so I just got a pond loach for the first time and am concerned I got some mis-information or have done something wrong. I spent about 2 hours acclimating. He swam like crazy when he was first in the tank but for about the last 30 minutes he has been sitting perfectly still at the bottom with his mouth half open and seems to be breathing pretty quick.
Temp is 72, ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates around 20-40 ppm. PH hasn’t been tested I no a while but last I checked it was 7.2. Harness shows to be on the soft side. Don’t have a kit for KH and GH yet.
Is he in shock or is something else wrong..? And what do I do, if anything..? Thank you for any help or advice.


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The cooler the water the better. They can live in slightly warm water but it shortens the life span. His behavior is normal. I've kept Weatherloach all my life, and they occasionally have a mad moments and flash about then they rest. They like hiding and resting and hanging about. But much prefer cool and pristine water conditions.
Hello. If you keep the water clean with large, regular water changes you're covering 99.9 percent of potential tank problems. Check the water temperature. Loaches need warmer water in the mid 70 to mid 80 degree range.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Hello. If you keep the water clean with large, regular water changes you're covering 99.9 percent of potential tank problems. Check the water temperature. Loaches need warmer water in the mid 70 to mid 80 degree range.

10 Tanks (Now 11)

Weather Loaches are not tropical. The “mid 70 to mid 80 degree range” is far too warm for them (you can’t lump all loaches into the same parameters). They do best in a range of about 64-74.

They’re also a fish that benefits from physical contact with their own kind (there’s research somewhere that confirms this), so they should never be kept on their own.

I’ve no idea why you took 2 hours to acclimatise it. I can only imagine the parameters were very different. The stress of that 2 hours might take a bit of recovering from.
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